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Dress code/payments

Dress code

New students are required to buy shoes and dancewear within three weeks of beginning classes at Jingdance.   Specialist classes may require the private purchase of specialist dancewear or shoes.  These will be recommended by the Principal.  If a student has dancewear worn previously at another school and if that dancewear is similar to that worn at Jingdance, the Principal may at her discretion allow it to be used at Jingdance

A short time will be  allowed for new students to acquire the necessary clothing



Students hair will be tied in a bun during class

Jewellery will not be worn during class



Half-price trial

Come and do one class to see whether ballet suits your child, for half price

Term Payments

Tuition fees are normally charged by school terms.   Where a parent, guardian or student wishes to pay more often than once a term, a casual rate is available

Term payments must be made by the second week of each new term

There will be no refund of payments for classes missed


Late payments

Term payments made after the second week of term will be charged at the casual rate 

Note: New students will be charged at the term rate regardless of when they join Jingdance classes



Discounts are available for siblings/family members and for students who introduce new students to Jingdance


Payment methods

Payments can be made using cash or internet bank transfers through CBA at the following


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 062319        Account number: 1040 4432


Banking reference

When making deposits for class fees please write the name of the student and the studio they attend as billers reference,






芭蕾舞学校悉尼                                           舞蹈学校悉尼


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